Thursday, September 15, 2011

Recipe Review – Tortellini w/Veggies

One of my goals to get back on my weight-loss track was to try out some recipes from Betty Crocker’s The 300 Calorie Cookbook.  A recipe I knew I wanted to make right away was the Tortellini w/Veggies.  You can find a web version of the recipe here.  This did not disappoint and considering it’s less than 200 calories for a serving, I thought that was pretty good considering the tortellini is cheese-filled. 

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This is way too easy to throw together – I definitely recommend it as a “I don’t feel like cooking but I know I shouldn’t order take-out” kind of meal.  The frozen tortellini boils pretty fast, and the veggies are up to you and what you have in your kitchen.  I cut up some cherry tomatoes to start off with, set those aside, and then decided to boil carrot chips and frozen broccoli spears along with the tortellini so everything would soften at once.   

Next time I would boil the veggies for a few extra minutes, but other than that, this got a thumbs-up from both me and hubby.  I would rate it an 8/10.  For leftovers the next day, you may just need to add a few drops of vegetable oil as the pasta and veggies tend to get dry overnight.


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