So the 20 week ultrasound obviously went well since we found out Baby C is a boy :) However, I do have to go back in 2 weeks for a follow-up ultrasound since the tech was having a hard time seeing his kidneys and stomach. She told me it was probably because I did not eat for a few hours prior (which was true, I was starving and my stomach was grumbling the entire time during the scan). It made me a little worried but my doctor said all my bloodwork has come back normal so I just need to make sure to eat an hour before next time. At least it will give me an excuse to see my baby boy again!
After our appointment we went to Longhorn’s for dinner and then to Target for a few things. I did pick up a couple of little boy clothes, but the main reason for going was to get Puff’s with lotion and stock up on Vitamin Water Zero’s. Yep, I knew Hubby’s cold from last week was finally hitting me Friday night. Let’s just say being sick normally is bad enough, but being sick when being preggo is ten times worse. No Nyquil means I have been getting no sleep. And then having to pee after drinking all this OJ and water plus having a baby pushing on my bladder makes relaxing in bed not fun. Especially when I sneezed twice in a row, I almost peed myself. ALMOST. I’ve been trying to lay low and do absolutely nothing but as of today I’m still only feeling so-so.
21 Week Pic:
What I wore to work…can you tell I like polka dots? Non-maternity button-down from JCPenney’s, black maternity pants from Target, skinny belt from NY&Co
Aw, hope your next ultrasound goes well!