We are back from our babymoon! We left last Wednesday and got back early on a red eye this AM. San Diego was AMAZING. I can’t believe I haven’t gone out to the West Coast before this trip. The food was great everywhere we went, everyone was very friendly and laid-back, and the scenery and views from all over the city are gorgeous. Hubby wants to move there but I would miss the New England seasons too much :) I’ll do a couple recap posts in the next couple weeks.
Best part of my Valentine’s Day so far? Seeing my belly move from Baby C’s kicks for the first time. He was moving like crazy during the entire trip and today while I was posting my pictures on Facebook, he was kicking really hard and I thought Hubby might be able to finally feel them. He couldn’t feel anything, but we both did see my stomach moving in little ripples. It was the weirdest but coolest thing I have ever seen.
How far along?: 22 weeks Baby is the size of a: papaya Total weight gain/loss: +13-15. Ugh I can’t believe I weighed myself today after a week of stuffing my face on vacation. Let’s just hope the extra pounds I gained are from bloating/water retention and I lose a couple. The Bump: Getting bigger…it was a little hard to bend over to get stuff out of my purse on the plane. Symptoms: Felt more round ligament pain when we were doing a lot of walking. It would eventually go away but it was not pleasant to start the morning out with. Food Cravings: Nothing in particular, but I noticed I didn’t have a problem finishing everything on my plate when we went out to eat :) Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nothing. Sleep: It was hard sleeping without my Snoogle on vacation so I had to substitute a regular pillow in between my legs. Definitely not the same but I managed. What I miss: Feeling out of shape from doing simple things…we went to the USS Midway Museum which is basically a huge navy ship that you can explore. Lots of stairs from going up and down all the decks = an out of breath/waddling preggo. Weddings Rings On or Off: On Any Names Picked Out Yet: Discussed one on vacation after hearing a dad call his little boy it, but I’m not sure how well it would go with our last name. Movement: So much more movement! Milestone of seeing Baby C’s kicks from the outside today. Maternity Clothes: Wore only maternity stuff on vacation…much more comfy and more flattering. Labor Signs: N/A Best Moment of the Week: All the fun things we did during our babymoon…we did so much but it was still relaxing. What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Time to work on the nursery! 22 Week Pic:
And what I wore to our Valentine’s Day dinner at a local steakhouse – maternity dress and leggings from Motherhood Maternity Outlet, shrug from JCPenney

Glad you had such a great time on your baby moon!