Made some good progress on the nursery this week – check out a sneak peek of the nautical gallery wall:
Most of the frames are picture-less for the time being until I finally finish my order on Shutterfly. Though, I probably will leave at least two of them blank until after Baby C is born. It took a while to put this together (I cut out templates from newspaper which took much longer than I expected and then it took time to figure out the arrangement), but it came out great and I think Hubby and I only fought once during the actual installation :)
How far along?: 24 weeks Baby is the size of a: grapefruit Total weight gain/loss: +13-15. I’ve been the same for the past couple weeks now, thank God! The Bump: Feeling huge this week especially. Symptoms: Still hungry all the time and really thirsty this week, too. Also my fingernails and toenails are growing at a really fast rate – I have to cut my fingernails every week now or else they’re annoying to type with. And some days I’m just feeling uncomfortable but not in pain. We went to Lowe’s on Sunday and I swear I was waddling around. I’m not even that big yet! I should stop with the complaints, but right now, I’m EXHAUSTED. I haven’t felt this tired since the first trimester so I’m not sure what’s going on. Food Cravings: Mexican, like always. Water. And yogurt – I just had to get some when we went grocery shopping. Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: The smell of Hubby’s egg sandwich definitely just made me nauseous. Yuck. Sleep: Hip pain has subsided for whatever reason this week. But I’m waking up at 5 every AM and having a harder time falling back asleep right away. What I miss: It was apparently National Margarita Day last week…ohhhhh I could SO go for one right now. Weddings Rings On or Off: On Any Names Picked Out Yet: Still have our 4 maybes. Movement: Baby C is pretty active and I think he’s having a party in there sometimes. I was not feeling good at all on Saturday night and desperately just wanted to sleep and he was refusing. Which led me to yell at Hubby and say “tell your kid to stop kicking me!” But I guess it’s a good thing he’s moving so much, right? Maternity Clothes: I think I’ve only worn one non-maternity shirt in the past 2 weeks, so the wardrobe is basically all maternity now. Labor Signs: Not sure if they were really strong stomach cramps (which I get when I’m sick) or Braxton Hicks contractions, but something hurt really bad Saturday night – it happened twice. But I haven’t felt anything since then. Best Moment of the Week: Getting some stuff done in the nursery. What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Finishing more projects within the next few weeks, hopefully! 24 Week Pic:
And what I wore to work – tunic & leggings from Old Navy (picked up the tunic for $7 – score!):

Awww, that looks awesome! Cannot wait to see more pictures of the nursery! I just love how that came out!! This looks like a nursery not only the baby will like being in, but you and your husband as well!
ReplyDeleteAs far as the waddling...I swear I felt like I was waddling from about 4 months on, haha!
I love the nursery so far! I definitely feel like I'm waddling sometimes! And I know what you mean about the stomach cramps/Braxton Hicks contractions possibly, I've gotten them a few times - mine felt like a stomach ache, it was weird. I'm not sure what they were.