Hospital bags are finally all packed! My bag was pretty much done early last week but I did laundry this past weekend to add in another nursing tank and nursing nightgown I recently bought.
Before I give the lists, let me just say that I’m ALWAYS an over-packer. I fully admit this as every single time we go on vacation I always pack more outfits, shoes, etc than what I truly need. I guess it’s the Girl Scout in me – “be prepared”. So these lists may seem long, but in the end I would rather have these things with me, and if I don’t use them then that’s great!
I did some research online, talked to a few fellow mamas, added some of my own ideas, and ultimately came up with these lists:
Mommy’s bag:
travel-sized toiletries for me and hubby including face cleanser wipes, moisturizer, deodorant, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrushes, chapstick, shampoo, conditioner, body wash. (I always bring my own stuff when we travel, so these were musts) make-up: powder foundation and mascara (I always wear these two items even when I’m sick) hairbrush, hairspray, hair ties, bobby pins 2 nursing tanks 2 nursing bras 1 open cardigan to wear home 2 pairs loose fitting yoga pants 3 pairs undies (that I don’t care about) robe-hoodie (I have a shorter one that’s more of a jacket length) nursing nightgown flip flops (I’m not a fan of slippers or socks) nursing pads and lanolin cream maxi pads birthing ball nightlight (I’ve heard it’s nice to have this instead of turning on the bright hospital lights on for night feedings/changings) Boppy (will leave in the car until after he’s born) Baby C’s bag (diaper bag + my purse)
2 outfits for bringing home (newborn size and 0-3 size), including a pair of socks and a hat 1 swaddle blanket to put over him in the carseat 2 pairs mittens (I’ve heard some hospitals have them, some don’t and I don’t want to worry about clipping nails until we’re home) baby book for footprints and other notes (ha, if I remember) some essentials that will be moved over from my purse…phone, wallet (license, insurance cards) my medical records for my back surgery just in case they don’t have the anesthesiologist notes on file from our meeting a few months ago and I’ve packed the diaper bag necessities so it’s ready to use once we’re home and go out, but I know we should just stock up on what the hospital has to give us :) Daddy’s bag (his backpack)
iPad/iPhone charger iPad camera and charger
video camera and charger
pillow (he is SO picky about pillows, while I can care less)
swim trunks (in case I want to shower while in labor)
change of clothes
PJ pants and slippers
change for vending machines
snacks (Goldfish, trail mix packs, granola bars, fruit snacks) & Vitamin Waters
Hope I’m not missing anything because our bags are pretty full…almost makes me wish I packed a rolling luggage instead ;)

Everyone said it and I didn't listen... I didn't use hardly anything I packed! I used my sweatpants and bra and slippers. Other than that, I used my toiletries and Noah's coming home outfit :)
ReplyDeleteThought I'd use my laptop but we just watched tv the whole time.
i don't post too often but wanted to wish you a fast and speedy recovery. looking forward to finally see your baby and to know babys name. blessings.
ReplyDeleteHey! (It's Allie, I guess I'm still called Greenmonsterfan via my google account... haha!) I've been checking in on your blog once in a while and I thought it was funny that I read this one- because Jake is SUPER picky about pillows too!!.... so I like the idea of making the hubby pack his own pillow!
ReplyDeleteI wayyyyy overpacked for the hospital. My bag must have weighed 50 lbs! Poor hubby had drag the thing around. I was going to mention that you might want some old pants to wear while in the hospital - I bleed through my underwear/pad and ended up with a stain on my yoga pants. It came out in the wash, but you never know. Good for you for packing husbands stuff - I forgot to pack my husbands stuff and he ended up wearing the same clothes for 2 days and not showering. Oops. He said that's his advice for any new dad - pack your own stuff!